Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Can I Meet Demi Lovato Or Selena Gomez?

How Can I Meet Demi Lovato Or Selena Gomez?
If you say fan websites, include a specific one please.


  1. U could try a meet and greet or a sighning

  2. the only two ways us go to a concert or get a autograph become a star and become friends with them

  3. A meet and greet or signing.

  4. concerts..if not then email them at their youtube account..there account is Therealdemilovatothey are awesome!

  5. why would u want to meet them now that there famous famous do u really think they care aobut there fans all disney ppl say that and they dont mean no celebrities care about there fans

  6. by goin to one of their concerts in they have one. i went to demi lovato's concert when i went to hershey park and it was awesome!!=]

  7. the only way you are ever going to meet either one is at a meet and greet are a sighing of there auto graph that would be the only way Sigurd~~~>

  8. Meet & Greet.Become famous.Get connections from your friends/people your people know.
