Sunday, January 31, 2010

Are Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato really ending there friendship?

Are Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato really ending there friendship?
My friends have told me things of this sort. But I don't think it would happen. They just made a movie together. I would just really like some answer's.


  1. i wish but they are not as good of friends as they used to be

  2. No,, they keep getting closer.

  3. I don't think so, they're still friends. Where did you hear that??!!

  4. Don't believe your friends, they're called BFF's for a reason.

  5. they had a fight over weather the spurs or mavericks are the better basketball team

  6. No, they've been best friends since they were 7. Don't believe the rumors.

  7. i dont think so, they've been best friends ever since they were little girls, they are maybe just going through a rough patch but they will work it through.

  8. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters No! They have been best friends since they were 7 years old and now they are nearly 17! They have just released a film and a single together! They get closer every day!! They are really good role models!! I love them so much!!Hope this helps! Source(s): Interviews and my own knowledge
