Sunday, January 31, 2010

Selena Gomez has a totally diffrent head than Demi Lavoto?

Selena Gomez has a totally diffrent head than Demi Lavoto?
so whos prettier becouse some say they hate demis chin and some say selena gomez has a weird shape head?


  1. selena is fit!!!!!demis alrightthere we have it

  2. demi is so much more prettier, i love her, and i'm going to marry her, or miley cyrus.

  3. df?both are prettyand i don't think selena's head is weirdneither do i think demi's chin is weird

  4. *face palm*Why do people even pay attention to things like that. Plenty of people have CLEFTS and weird shaped heads. What does it matter!?

  5. So I would really hope that she has a totally different head than someone else cause it would suck to have to share a head with someone.

  6. They're both equally pretty. Selena is more "cute" and "disney", though.

  7. I think Selena Gomez is prettier than Demi Lovato because Demi has kinda big facial features and I don't really notice the size of Selena's head.

  8. I think they are both cute but I'd probably say Selena is a little prettier just looks wise.
