Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why did selena gomez broke up with nick jonas?

Why did selena gomez broke up with nick jonas?
They both were so cute together. They were born for each other. They made a really good couple better than miley and nick together ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.


  1. she found out he was gay

  2. they're not borken up??

  3. they broke up? when did that happen?

  4. Good grammar is your friend. Remember that.

  5. First off, I think Miley and Nick were JUST AS CUTE as Selena and Nick. And also, how do you no they broke up??

  6. pay attention in english at school.....bad grammar!plus, does it really affect you, whether these overrated teen 'celebrities' date eachother or not.all sounds like junk to me

  7. I didn't even know they were dating...but Selena Gomez is definitely better than Miley Cyrus...:)

  8. You need help with your grammer. eww!.... and getting to your question, i liked Nick with Miley better, i hope they get back together. Source(s): Huge Miley Cyrus fan!

  9. You mean break?It's break up not Broke up?This is what happens when you spent so long obsessing over talentless disney stars.

  10. They were not meant to be. They will not be together agian. They were not a good couple. Miley is ugly(:

  11. Hi! You know I like all kind of foods... sea food... chinese food... mexican food.... ohh wait a minut... what was the question? Ohhhh the reason of the break up... yikes... thats a good one... good luck in your answers jajaja

  12. maybe they didn't get along that well... maybe they were really busy and never saw each other and decided that a long distance relationship didn't work for them...(even though they're not that fair away, well not that i know of) i honestly don't think either miley or selena made a good couple with nick... IM the best person for him to go out with... we're soul mates... and remember he's MINE... ALL MINE!! Source(s): BEING A SMARTICLE FUTURE MRS. NICK JONAS!!!

  13. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Who knows.It's not our business.Maybe he cheated on her with Miley, because he found out she was a no-life loser.
