Sunday, January 31, 2010

Do you know if Selena Gomez could date a normal person?

Do you know if Selena Gomez could date a normal person?
Someone, part of my soul you could say, said that he would date Selena Gomez one day. I don't believe him, but hey, you gotta have faith in this world. I just want your opinion, do you think Selena Gomez could go out with a normal (not-famous) boy if they both got to know each other? Please don't put any bad comments, I don't need the attitude.


  1. you'd probably have a bigger chance of dating her than any other of those other stuck up people.good luck

  2. Considering she isnt too normal herself, I'd have to doubt it.

  3. I don't see any reason why Selena wouldn't date a 'normal' person. She seems very down to earth. Good Luck!

  4. maybe right ? she can if she love him Source(s): i think she can if she love him right ?

  5. i really dont think any Celebrity would.It would be weird to date a fan who knows everything about you.Some people also will use the Celebrity to gain fame and attention and for the money.I thnk she would be the same .So i dont think she would unless it was like a friend she knew before she got famous.

  6. In my opinion, I think she would! She seems very down to earth, loyal and sweet. She would probably be able to tell if they were just trying to date her for the fame, anyway.
