Sunday, January 31, 2010

How do I get a haircut like selena gomez's?

How do I get a haircut like selena gomez's?
I want to get my hair cut like selena gomez like it is in her video she
put on youtube today so what do i tell my hair cutter what ever you call her to do?


  1. show her a pic of what you want

  2. bring the pic in to your hair person = D

  3. put the video on your ipod and bring it with you. Is this some kind of trick question?

  4. Bring your hairdresser a picture of her.

  5. bring a picture, or you could tell her that you want layers all over, and side swept bangs that are to the left. hopefully I helped(:

  6. umm idk find pictures of her at all angles with STRAIGHT hair so the stylist can REALLY see the layers and details!HOPE I HELPED! (ps:ur welcome in advance"find a RECENT picture of her too)

  7. Take the picture of Selena gomez and tell you hairdresser to cut your hair like this pic!

  8. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters get a pic of it an tell the hairstylist
