Sunday, January 31, 2010

How do you get to meet or go on a date with Selena Gomez?

How do you get to meet or go on a date with Selena Gomez?
How do you get to meet or go on a date with Selena Gomez?
how to get her address, phone number, and or get in contact with her?


  1. ok, R U INSANE!!!!!!!!!????????.....really, u think u can just get her home phone # and be like oh, lets go out even tho I DONT NO U!....ur a creeper...and arent u a girl???

  2. go to her my space or something like that. celebrities alwas have that information

  3. haha idk but when u do please bring a needle to pop that BIG HAIR of hers!

  4. dude get a life shes wayy outa ur league....didnt she date a jonas brother?

  5. you dont, you're missing: money, cars, fame

  6. wow hi STALKERR.

  7. My friend called the phone number on her myspace page and then ended up getting her personal phone number. You could either do that or stalk her. Source(s): Please help me out

  8. Go on he rmyspace. And move to her hometown. When there's a meet Selena Gomez thing say hi, and claim you are terminally ill. Or When she's old enough hopefully she'll get an e-harmony. Study her personality via magazine, so you'll guys will get paired.

  9. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I can't really give out that information, but my e-mail is if you want to send me a letter I would love that:) If you want to meet me get concert tickets and try calling a local radio station and see if the have any meet & greet passes for my show where you are. Source(s): By the way sweetie, I'll try my best to get back to you on that e-mail, too:)
