Sunday, January 31, 2010

I want to *s3x selena gomez and touch her boobies is this wierd?

I want to *s3x selena gomez and touch her boobies is this wierd?
i'm a 16 year old girl and i have a huge attraction to selena gomez and i really just wanna do al kinds of naughty things with her. Is this weird or bad?


  1. yeah im gonna have to say weird

  2. uh i would keep this to yourselfbut i guess its not THAT weird Source(s):

  3. It's not weird but you're acting like a troll.

  4. Ya think0f course its weirdwhy would you wanna touch her

  5. I think maybe a little bit!But, your entitled to your opinion so if ya want to then whatever!But i still think it pretty wierd and nasty!Hopefully your not a les.

  6. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters I guess it's normal if you are a flaming lesbian.
