Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who is a better role model Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?

Who is a better role model Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?
I always loved Selena gomez she is very talented but i dont like miley not to be rude but miley took over disneyland for here birhtday and those kids that went there only had one night so i thought that was mean of her! i know miley has done bad bad things but Selena hasnt done anything wrong so let me hear your opinion!


  1. BOTH!!!PS did u c Sel's new hair cut?ITS AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING!

  2. both because i love them both! they really pretty!

  3. neither of them hoochie mams is a good role modelJONAS 4 LYF!#

  4. I think Elvira would be better.

  5. Miley Cyrus is a b*tch a$$ slutty whore that needs to get her a$$ kicked. Selena Gomez is wayyy better!

  6. Selena Gomez, because she isn't a dumb skank.

  7. I think Selena is a better role model

  8. Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus is a lil slut in progress.

  9. Selena she dosent do no clothes pictures

  10. Selena, she doesnt send half no clothes pictures to guys.

  11. selena gomez...whoever think miley is, is seriously deranged.

  12. selena becaue unlike miley's skanky butt who talks about her huge boobs (that were probably fake for her disneyland bash), and how she is too hott for any guy, their isn't a guy out there that is at her level, etcMILEY YOUR HEAD IS FLOATING AWAY b/c of your huge ego!

  13. i dont like them for talent or anything.i mean.. yea ill joke around and turn up their music (i would never buy it on itunes or anything though)but to answer your question for who is a better role model, def. selena gomez... she doesnt have any scandalous photos on the internet... and she isnt dating someone 4 years older.i dont think age really matters.. but miley has a lot of young girls who look up to her.. and if they see its ok to have that kind of a relationship with someone so much older.. a lot of girls will be more open with older guys.. which can lead to bad things (in some cases)i mean.. im 16.. would i date someone 4 yrs older than me? yes. now? no.maybe if he was 18.. but 20.. i think there's a difference in maturity. either ur maturing quickly.. or they're immature for their age.

  14. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters My opinion for who is a better role model Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus. I would pick Selena Gomez because she is a very talented girl, I'm not saying that Miley doesn't have a talent but I think Selena is way better and plus Selena doesn't post or send inappropriate picture unlike Miley. Selena is a very good actress as well as having a good voice. So I would say Selena is a better role model than Miley Cyrus.
