Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who is the better selena gomez, demi lavato, or miley cyrus?

Who is the better selena gomez, demi lavato, or miley cyrus?
I think selena gomez is better shes really cool and wen u call her she actually answers.....second would b demi lavato shes really nice and really cool and thats it ..


  1. They're all good talented girls so i can't really chose who's better, you know?

  2. I like demi and selena too. I think they're nice people. Miley's ok.....i guess

  3. At first i hated selena but i have learned to looove her. Next would be miley then demi :)

  4. i like selena then demi then last miley

  5. Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez I think they are both COOL!!!xoxo

  6. i think they are all really cool and talented but i think they are all different and hard to compare too but i would say the selena gomez seems more down to earth then the other two girls

  7. I think Miley Cyrus is better because she is much more talented then both these girls, but they are also talented, but Miley has done and successed so much stuff already in her life, and she is only 16 years old.

  8. well singing would be demi but i dont like her songs..i do respect her for writing her own thast good for not a big fan but im not a hater...selena is my fav for acting and dancing her singing needs work but i like her songs!!

  9. (sigh) you make life hardSelena??? she is better than the others,idk, why i choose her over demi....but definitely not Miley i think she is way to slutty to be around my future husband: )you can probably guess who he is.....but i will give you a hint....his initials are NJJ

  10. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters selena all the way
