Sunday, January 31, 2010

where can I find the same shirt Selena Gomez had on an episod of Wizards?

Where can I find the same shirt Selena Gomez had on an episod of Wizards?
There was an episode of Wizards Of Waverly Place where Selena Gomez was wearing Cheetah Print Pants & a Yellow shirt tht had a skeleton print on it with like, bows or something on it. I really wanna know where I can get tht shirt. ...any help.?


  1. It's kinda hard to know...but Hot topic may have something similar....

  2. It would be so much easier if you told us the episode name.

  3. I do not know where that specific shirt is from but i have seen very similar shirts at wet seal and hot topic. Hope that helps =]

  4. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
