Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who do you think is a better singer, Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez?

Who do you think is a better singer, Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez?
I like Selena better as a person, but I feel that De mi has a stronger, better voice.


  1. i luv em both but demi is better

  2. i think they're both good singers, but yeah, i think Demi is better.

  3. Demi Lovato!!!! :)

  4. Selena fixes up her voice with machines demi has an all natural voice

  5. Demi is a really good singer, she has great vocal range, and just has a beautiful voice

  6. Demi has a stronger and better voice than Selena which makes Demi is a better singer than Selena.However,I prefer Selena's voice better bacause her voice is just super cute!!!

  7. selena gomez is my favorite out of the 2 so i would have to say selena but demi does have a very good voice 2. but i like selenas style and the type of music she sings her voice is unique...and demis voince is stronger but not as unique.. Source(s): my own advice

  8. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters They both have pretty mediocre voices, but Selena really should just stick to acting. Demi definitely.
