Sunday, January 31, 2010

why was selena gomez sister raised by a different family?

Why was selena gomez sister raised by a different family?
my friend said to me today that selena gomez has a sister names Sofia Gomez Sinnokrot, but she was raised by a different family, i was just wondering why because i think she is rich isnt she its not like her parents couldnt afford it?


  1. maybe she was ugly? who cares?

  2. Yeah, i agree with the onea bove me. I thank she is the only child

  3. both her parents split up and got remarried one probably went with the other parent.

  4. Um... Selena Gomez is an only child.

  5. Selena Gomez is an only child :) I think your friend has her facts mixed up

  6. Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Actually she isn't an only child, because if you watch Disney Channel, and when they show the previews to Wizards On Deck With Hannah Montana, Selena says, "I love hanging out with Brenda, because she reminds me of my OLDER SISTER"So there.
